The vision for Siloam was born in the middle of a Sunday morning service and more than 30 years later, churches continue to play a vital role in our mission.

Jesus’ command to the blind man in John 9:7 is a strong reminder that His followers have a unique call to care for those in need – not just for their physical health but their spiritual, emotional, and mental health as well. Siloam is passionate about empowering the local church to serve the marginalized in our community. Explore the ways in which your church can get involved and get in touch by filling out the Church Inquiry Form below.

Join Us In Prayer at Siloam Health

Bring your small group, student group, or even just a group of friends to Siloam for a life-changing experience! Siloam Health prayer walks are a unique way to learn about the work of Siloam, see our primary care clinic in action, and spend intentional time in prayer for our patients and staff.

Start a Collection Drive

Donations of material gifts such as over-the-counter medications, hygiene products, winter accessories, first aid kits, and children’s items go a long way in helping the uninsured patients who visit Siloam every day. Set up a collection drive at your church to get everyone involved!

Invite Siloam to Your Church

Whether it’s in front of your congregation on Sunday, at a yearly mission’s fair, or at a small group gathering, Siloam Health is ready to share our vision and inspire action among your congregation to fulfill the biblical mandate to care for immigrants, refugees, and the underserved in Nashville.

Click here to contact Wes Harrell, Siloam’s Director of Engagement. He would love to hear from you!

FAQ: Can a large group from my church come and volunteer at Siloam?

Due to the nature of a bustling medical clinic and our large number of individual volunteers, Siloam encourages larger groups to consider off-site projects like hosting a medicine drive to stock our pharmacy or collecting hygiene supplies to give to our newly arrived refugees.

We’d also be happy to host your group for a clinic tour and tell you more about our work! You can schedule a tour here.

Church Inquiry Form

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Looking for Individual Volunteer Opportunities?

At Siloam, we partner with hundreds of volunteers each year to provide health care transformed by love.  Click the button below to check out some of the current volunteer opportunities.